Caring for your houseplants this winter

Words by Helen
The evenings are getting darker and the days are getting chillier which can only mean one thing, winter is coming.
During the cold season, most houseplants will go into a dormant phase thanks to the conditions being unsuitable for their usual growth levels.
It’s important to know how to change up the care routine for your houseplants so they can adjust to the colder temperatures, and once spring rolls around they’re healthy and ready to grow again. Read on for some tips and tricks on looking after your houseplants during these chilly months.
1. Watering Schedule
One of the most vital changes to make during winter is to reduce the frequency of watering. Because your plants are in a dormant phase and not growing at the same speed, they do not require the same level of hydration that you may have been giving them throughout spring and summer. Watering too often can lead to problems such as wilting and yellowing leaves, stunting growth and even root rot which can be deadly to your plant if not dealt with.
Another useful tip to remember when watering your plants, not just in winter but all year round, is to use room temperature water. Using water that is too cold can cause shock to the roots, and potentially lead to lasting damage.
Thanks to the colder weather, humidity levels in your home can decrease significantly compared to the warmer months. Many of your houseplants originate from much warmer climates which naturally have high humidity, houseplants such Calatheas, Snake plants and Monsteras love humid environments. During the winter you can combat this by misting the foliage with lukewarm water, or to tackle the issue even further you can add a humidifier to your space.

2. Natural Light
One of the main reasons houseplants go into their dormant phase is due to the decreasing light levels that we begin to see from the end of Autumn. Where possible, you can combat this by moving your plants closer to your windows to ensure they get the most out of the shorter periods of daylight. If you have south-facing windows, these will get the highest amount of light and are the perfect place for your leafy friends, just be sure that the plants aren’t touching the cold window or getting too much direct sunlight on those rare sunny winter days!
If your home is particularly dark during the winter months, or you’re just enthusiastic about keeping your plants in good health, you can always rely on artificial lighting to help them along. Grow lights for houseplants are readily available and come in a variety of prices and styles to fit in with your home décor.
3. Temperature
As most houseplants originate from tropical and therefore much warmer countries, the cold winter temperatures can be a shock to their system and significantly impact their health. During the winter months avoid placing your plants in areas of the home that are exposed to cold draughts, such as by doors or windows that are opened and closed regularly throughout the day. It’s also important to keep your plants away from spaces which may experience inconsistent temparatures, such as by radiators or vents which are constantly changing heat.
4. Cleaning Routine
Cleaning plants might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to plant care, but it’s actually an important step you can take to ensure they are at their healthiest. Removing dust and dirt from the leaves means the plant can absorb higher levels of sunlight and nutrients, which is vital during the months when daylight hours are limited.
To clean plants you can simply use a cloth and some water, or add a very small amount of washing up liquid to give some extra shine. Alternatively, you can add a small amount of neem oil to your water to not only clean the leaves but also provide them with the nutrients and pest fighting benefits of the oil.

Winter may be a tough season on your houseplants, but with these tips and tricks you’re set to keep them as happy as possible until warmer days come back around again.
Pop into our shop at 63 Farringdon Road where you can get more expert advice from our team, and maybe even pick up a winter treat or two from our wide selection of houseplants. We are open weekdays 12-6.30pm. You can also shop a selection of our plants online.